All Work And No Play

I came across a famous quote by Dolly Parton recently that reminded me about my ultimate goal as I advance my career and it says “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” So often we get consumed with earning and creating wealth that we neglect the other areasContinue reading “All Work And No Play”

Why Book With A Travel Agent?

When deciding to plan a vacation, many persons do not typically think about speaking to a Travel Agent to iron out the details, in fact, their initial thought is to do a Google search or use a booking engine and do the work themselves. But what if I told you that the next time youContinue reading “Why Book With A Travel Agent?”

Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

“Oh no no no! Are you crazy? I could never do that, I’ll stay right over here where I’m comfortable, you go ahead, I’ll watch you from over here.” How many times have you said this or something similar when you had the opportunity to do something you have never done before, but let itContinue reading “Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone”

My Birthday Road Trip To Negril

Sounding almost like a broken record, there are so many things that we had planned to do this year that just did not happen. Special occasions, such as birthdays, for most of us was spent indoors reminiscing about what we did last year or what we had planned to do this year, but just couldn’t.Continue reading “My Birthday Road Trip To Negril”

Traveling For A Special Occasion? Here’s what you need to know

Planning a special occasion trip can be stressful, especially if this occasion is going to be a surprise like an engagement, an anniversary or a birthday celebration. And if you decide to tie in your special occasion with travel, then that becomes a whole other level of anxiety. Despite the pressure that comes with planningContinue reading “Traveling For A Special Occasion? Here’s what you need to know”

My Travel Bucket List

Travel gives each one of us a feeling that is like no other. Whether it’s the way the wind kisses our faces or how the water from the ocean massages our skin, or just the aroma of the environment that awakens our senses, what ever it is travel, in someway, makes us feel more alive.Continue reading “My Travel Bucket List”

Staycation, There Is No Place Like Home

When we think of travel for vacation purposes we often think about getting on a plane and flying off to another country or to a tropical island. But with all the current restrictions due to the pandemic, getting on a plane to go to another country maybe somewhat of a scary, uncomfortable and uneasy thingContinue reading “Staycation, There Is No Place Like Home”

The Transition From a 9-5 To Work From Home

Never did I ever think that life would throw this kind of curve ball, that probably sounds strange, I know, because no one knows what the future has in store, right? During a conversation with a dear friend of mine we joked about our days as Wedding Planners, which was not so long ago, whenContinue reading “The Transition From a 9-5 To Work From Home”

Is this the time to travel?

I recently came across a Steve on watch video where a guest on the show, during the “Hey Steve” segment, wanted Steve Harvey’s advise on whether or not she should travel to Turks and Caicos this year, for her birthday. She expressed that her friends, whom she wanted to take the trip with, all flakedContinue reading “Is this the time to travel?”

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